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Coronavirus Halts Football Across the Country




Anthony Lynne, the head coach of the LA Chargers was infected with the coronavirus. He recently told his players that he “can’t promise you you’re not going to get infected.” When he informed them he was infected, they looked surprised. HBO unveiled their new football season on Tuesday, August 11, 2020. This included behind the scenes footage of how the Chargers and the Rams were handling the Coronavirus and highlighting the additional protocol and safety in place. Hence the players surprised looks when Lynne became infected.

Opting Out

Coronavirus has affected people and businesses everywhere. TV and sports shows are debating whether to have a season or not. The NFL and even college football have been trying to figure out a viable way to hold a season. However, over 60 professional football players have withdrawn from the 2020 season due to the coronavirus. The New England Patriots have had the most players lost, with eight team members walking away. Although, the players that step out arent at a total loss. They will receive $150,000 and keep their health insurance. Additionally, their contracts will continue the following year.

Coronavirus has also extremely affected college football. Greg Rousseau of the Miami Hurricanes announced that he would be stepping out for the season and heading for the 2021 NFL draft. “This was a very difficult decision for me as I love playing football at the University of Miami,” He tweeted. He also explained that his mother was a nurse who had witnessed the horrors of the Coronavirus. Rousseau continued to say how he and his family came to the decision together.

It is clear that coronavirus has affected most industries in the country. although it affects entertainment much more. It is unclear when football and other sports will continue, however it is important to stay hopeful and fill the time with other enjoyable hobbies.

Written by Joseph Nelson

Edited by Sheena Robertson


CNN: NFL head coach reveals he was infected with Covid-19

Featured and Top Image Courtesy of Jimmy Emerson, DMV’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License

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