Frankly News

Real Electron Energized Prostate Aid the Latest Homeopathic Remedy

There is a new homeopathic remedy line out there call Real Electron Energized Prostate Aid. This product is the first in a new line created by Real Abundance. The remedy comes in a trio of formulas that work together.

Ninety-five percent of those who have used the product report to have seen significant improvement with their enlarged prostate symptoms. These effects can be seen within a few days of following the remedy’s direction.

The Prostates Aid trio can help reduce the following symptoms:

RealThis homeopathic remedy can also help with erectile dysfunction or ejaculation difficulties. Those who have used this product have stated they have considerably reduced their trips to the bathroom. They are able to sleep throughout the night.

Real Electron Energized Prostate Aid A, B, and C are packaged together. Inside of the package is clearly written instructions for consumer use.

The Prostate Aid remedy also comes with a dropper for easy usage. The formula A remedy is taken every other day. Prostate Aid’s formula B is taken twice a day — once in the morning and then again at night. The formula C remedy is taken once a day.

According to Guardian Liberty Voice, Real Abundance recommends its customers to add Real Electron Energized Male Enhancer to their diet regiment once “symptoms are under control.” The Real Abundance homeopathic remedies are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure any disease.

The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the Prostate Aid A, B, and C formulas. Before starting any homeopathic remedy one should consult a medical doctor for professional advice.

Soon Real Abundance will be adding a few new remedies to their homeopathic line. These new products will be formulated to relieve indigestion — especially those associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). They will also have a remedy to assist with women’s urinary health and more.

Written by Sheena Robertson


Guardian Liberty Voice: Enlarged Prostate Relief: Real Electron Energized Prostate Aid [Video]; by Cathy Milne-Ware

Real Abundance: Real Electron Energized Prostate Aid

Prostate Aid Images Courtesy of Gricelda Chandler – Used With Permission


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