Frankly News

Matt Gaetz Inspires Teenager Raise to $275K for Abortion Rights

Courtesy of Gage Skidmore (Flickr CC0)

It’s way too easy to find reasons to laugh at members of the once GOP. However, some offer more material for laughter than others.

Currently, three Republican members of the House, who I think of as “The Three Dumb Stooges,” can make real Americans laugh after just a few words every time they stand in front of a television camera or appear on social media, and they don’t need to say anything to inspire a few chuckles. You know their names — Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Matt Gaetz.

Gaetz is a juvenile whose brain has never grown since infancy. Last weekend he made a speech at an anti-abortion rally. After following the Republican playbook, calling real women who believe that they have the right to control the health of their own reproductive system and the mental strain which accompanies those decisions, ‘baby killers,’ and ‘murderers,’ he attacked those protesting against the rally calling them ugly and claiming that no man would want to have sex with them. (My version is much nicer than his).

After listening to Gaetz’s mean-spirited attack, Olivia Julianna, a teenager from Texas, posted his comments online and began a fundraising campaign for abortion rights. When the article was originally published, Julianna had raised more than $275,000. As I write this, I learned that that amount has doubled to over $600,000.

“I would like Matt Gaetz to know he picked the wrong activist” to start a fight with, Julianna said, according to The Washington Post.

“Matt Gaetz decided to body shame me publicly,” Julianna tweeted on Tuesday. “So I started fundraising for abortion funds and in a little over 24 hours we raised $115K. So let me have one final moment of telling [Gaetz] not to fuck with Texas activist[s], and definitely not to fuck with Gen-Z.”

I’m sure she will send a thank you note to one of the worst Representatives in American history. He most definitely had a part in her fundraising success.


Courtesy of Adrian Black (Flickr CC0)

This story is proof that my claim that the division within our country will never be healed is entirely accurate. For decades, right-wing politicians, Fox News, and others like the late and forgotten Rush Limbaugh intentionally divided the American people for a single reason. When Americans are united, Republicans cannot win elections. Large turnouts also bode well for Democrats and are the reason why red states continue to pass voter suppression laws. If there was no Electoral College, a Democrat would have occupied the White House for the last 29 years.

The perfect example is the 2020 election. Trump’s numerous crimes, including Constitutional violations over four years, his earned reputation as a sexual predator, proving himself not capable of leading 331 million people, telling them that the COVID-19 pandemic would “just go away,” and the fact that he was twice impeached for cause, is responsible for a historic voter turnout in which President Biden received seven million more votes than your former illegitimate president. This is what happens when voters are aware of the importance of going to the polls or mailing in their votes.

Voters need to be motivated. In 2020, their motivation was to vote against the fake Republican. The truth is that Republican voters have not been motivated since Ronald Reagan deceived millions, yours truly included, in November of 1980. They “settled” for George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump.

Matt Gaetz’s acts of ignorance, arrogance, and misdirection inspired Julianna to do the right thing. It is up to the rest of us to deny all Republicans one more day living lives of luxury and privilege. Their efforts to rule over us must be stopped, and only our votes can achieve what must be done to save America.

The most important dates in and for your future are Nov. 8, 2022, and Nov. 5, 2024.

By James Turnage, Novelist


The Guardian: Teen bullied by Matt Gaetz raises over $200,000 for abortion rights funds; by Gloria Oladipo
Daily KOS: ‘He picked the wrong activist’: Matt Gaetz accidentally raises over $600K for abortion rights groups; by Aysha Qamar

Featured and Top Image Courtesy of Gage Skidmore’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License
Inset Image Courtesy of Adrian Black’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License

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