Frankly News

Joe Manchin Protects Coal Companies Ignoring Unsafe Working Conditions

Courtesy of Jan Truter (Flickr CC0)

Joe Manchin is a “political whore.” He has aligned himself with today’s Republicans in Name Only (RINOs) and cares more about the owners of coal mines in West Virginia than the workers who risk their lives every day for a dying industry. He opposes President Biden’s infrastructure plan, knowing that it would create thousands of good-paying jobs in his own state which lack the dangers of mining.

Manchin has proven that his priority is campaign contributions, not the welfare of our nation’s people. He has proven that he is another “climate change denier.”

President Biden has two policies at risk: his plan for our infrastructure and his policy on climate change are being held hostage by two fake Democrats: West Virginia’s Joe Manchin, and Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema.

Historical facts prove that the policies of Democrats and Independents serve the majority. Republicans have been the party of special interests and supported a war on the working class since 1981

I am fully aware that our country has lost common sense. We have good qualities, but intelligence and being informed citizens are not two of them. If the people cared about their own future, they would never elect Republicans. They have been the enemy of the working class for more than 40 years.

History will prove that the illegitimate election of Trump in 2016 was the greatest mistake ever made by voters in a free society. Not only was he the least qualified presidential candidate in history, but he had also failed at everything he attempted in his pitiful life. His life was built on lies, and his businesses would have failed without foreign intervention. He is a white supremacist and a bigot beyond compare. He has been verified as a sexual predator and a malignant narcissist. Trump is unfit for office at any level.

Throughout his life, Trump’s allies have been leaders of foreign nations. Russia and the Saudi Royal Family literally own Donald Trump. As our illegitimate president, he repaid them multiple times.

President Biden is facing many of the same obstacles encountered by President Obama. The “party of no” once again exhibits no interest in the future of our nation. His own party is not united in support of his agenda. Republicans are united regardless of who is in the Oval Office as long as they are labeled “Republican.”


Courtesy of NASA HQ PHOTO (Flickr CC0)

Right-wing politicians have no morals and no principles. They are self-serving men and women who want to be the worst of mankind: professional politicians. Manchin and Sinema are part of this treasonous group.

America is an experiment, and with 40 percent of our nation’s people controlled by one party which is the enemy of the majority, it could fail easily without support from American voters.

The very thought that an industry that affects three percent of our nation’s people, and continues to be in decline, as it should be, is moronic. Millions of homes that once used coal to heat their homes are now using natural gas, even in coal-producing states.

Manchin is just a small example of the failure of mining in America. Moscow Mitch McConnell was victorious in his early senatorial elections based on his support of coal. The truth is that he has done nothing for the vast majority of the people of Kentucky in his 36 years as a United States Senator. The old man created the party of no and is responsible for the fact that our nation has a dysfunctional government.

The truth: the only weapon possessed by the American people is our vote. That vote must be used wisely and not based on party affiliation. Our most precious right must be given to candidates who are most closely aligned with the needs and wishes of the working class: the majority of our nation’s people.

Op-ed by James Turnage


NBC News: West Virginia’s coal powered the nation for years. Now, many look to a cleaner future. By Andrew McCormick
Daily KOS: Future historians will be ‘astonished’ that we let the planet burn to protect coal, economist says; by Aldous J Pennyfarthing

Featured and Top Image Courtesy of Jan Truter’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License
Inset Image by Aubrey Gemignani Courtesy of NASA HQ PHOTO’S Flickr Page – Creative Commons License

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