Frankly News

Fox News Support for Donald Trump Is Declining

Courtesy of gage Skidmore (Flickr CC0)

The right-wing is a mess. They are united by their fake title of “Republicans,” when in truth, they are splintered. None of them have any idea where their party is going or if it will exist after the end of this decade. Extremist groups refuse to work with other extremist groups in their own party. Fox News is losing advertisers because their lies have become transparent and are killing Americans every day.


Courtesy of Gage Skidmore (Flickr CC0)

These fake Republicans made a profound and fatal mistake in 2016. They “put all their eggs in one basket,” and it was poorly constructed and destined to fall apart. Every politician on the right side of the aisle abandoned their principles and their dignity. They decided to support a man without morals and is loyal to Vladimir Putin and Mohammad bin Salman, but not to his country. Then he did the unthinkable. Trump attempted a coup on January 6, 2021, which failed, as he has for 75 years. Now they are forced to defend a traitorous former president who is the worst thing to happen to America in 245 years.

Donald Trump misses the “good old days” when white supremacy was the norm, and only wealthy white men enjoyed the American dream. What he misses the most is when every Fox fake journalist kissed his humongous derriere unashamedly.

What good is it if FOX News speaks well of me when they continually allow horrible and untruthful anti-Trump commercials to be run—and plenty of them. In the good old days, that would never have happened and today it happens all of the time. Ratings-challenged CNN and MSNBC would never run a positive Trump ad—never. With so many forces against us, Big Tech, the Fake News Media, the Radical Left, the RINOs, and more, we are at such a disadvantage, but we will win anyway!

My favorite part of this meaningless rant is when he calls real Republicans “RINOs.” The Trump Party, which includes every man and woman in Washington who sits on the right side of the aisle, are true “RINOs” who abandoned the principles of the once Grand Old Party in January 2017.

Two disastrous events convinced many men and women who remained loyal to the worst man in the world for years to end their support.

Courtesy of Alan Levine (Flickr CC0)

Trump’s failure to lead the nation in the fight against COVID-19 caused the deaths of tens of thousands of the nation’s people. More lives were lost than those in every war from WWII until today combined. He failed at the one job forced upon him in four years, for which all presidents are expected to take the lead.

When a coup, planned by Trump and his closest supporters, failed on January 6th, millions turned their backs on him after attacking the democratic government.

One of Fox’s fake news anchors recently had a change of heart about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Neil Cavuto recently tested positive for COVID-19. Fox ordered its employees to receive the vaccine, and Cavuto was fully vaccinated. However, he has other health problems, which increased his chances of infection. On Sunday, he begged his viewers to receive the vaccine to protect others from being infected.

We’ve lost five million globally to this. We’ve lost nearly 800,000 in the U.S. Take the political speaking points and toss them for now. I’m begging you. Toss them. Think of what’s good, not only for yourself, but for those around you. If you don’t want to do it for yourself, if you think it’s a pain in the ass, I get that. But think of others around you. I dare say that people who experience this and see loved ones who’ve been affect by this or, heaven forbid, died from this, are not judging the wisdom of Band-Aids. They’re wishing they got vaccinated. And they didn’t. Don’t let that happen.

Trump’s support continues to dwindle. His ability to brainwash others is in decline, and his relevance is slipping away.

Op-ed by James Turnage


Daily KOS: FATAL HYPOCRISY: FOX News Hack Admits Their Anti-Vax Narrative is Based Purely on Politics; News Corpse
Daily KOS: CRYBABY Trump is Whining (and Lying) Again that FOX News (and Everyone) is Out to Get Him; News Corpse

Featured, Top, and First Inset Image Courtesy of Gage Skidmore’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License
Inset Image Courtesy of Alan Levine’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License

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