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Camilla and Marc Label Denies Use of Photoshop

Around August 18, 2020, the fashion brand Camilla and Marc defended one of their models’ Instagram posts. Alannah Walton — Australian model — was photographed wearing the brand’s latest activewear.

Camilla and MarcMany People Were Wondering

Once the post went viral — millions of people had access to it — many people claimed the image was photoshopped. In the image, Walton is standing with her hands resting on her hips. She is wearing black leggings and a black crop. Her hands are resting on her hips as she fiercely looks into the camera.

Camilla and Marc immediately shut down those naysayers. A spokesperson for the company released a statement stating that the model’s figure had not been altered in any way. The label also took the time to answer each comment individually.

In the responses, they inform the commenter the image had not been altered. They also encouraged them to visit their website or private message for further information. While many people felt the image was altered; some pointed out it was the position of her hands which made the image look off.

When Was the Label Created?

Camilla and Marc established their brand in 2003. Marc Freeman studied commerce and engineering helping him to become a great businessman. His sister Camilla Freeman-Topper developed her design skills at the Whitehouse Institute of Design in Sydney.

From there Freeman-Topper went to Florence, Italy where she attended Accademia Italiana Arte Moda on a scholarship. Studying in Italy deepened her love for all aspects of the design process. Working together they created their unique brand.

Fans all over the world have fallen in love with Camilla and Marc’s sleek gender-neutral designs. The sibling duo has created a brand that allows one to go from swimming to breathtaking; including everything in between.

The Camilla and Marc label stand by their statement that the Australian model’s image was not photoshopped. However, there are still a few people who believe this may not be true.

Written by Sheena Robertson


News Pty Limited: ‘Not Photoshopped’: Camilla And Marc defend photo after editing claims

Camilla and Marc: About


Inline Image courtesy of Randall McRoberts’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License

Featured Image Courtesy of Bella Ella Boutique’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License

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